Contractors Only
Attention all Home Improvement Contractors, Builders, and Professionals My Professional Contractor Inc. wants to provide you with unlimited pre-qualified leads! |
BENEFITS OF MY PROFESSIONAL CONTRACTOR NETWORK Increased New Business and Company Profits. If your company is committed to high standards, then My Professional Contractor Inc can provide you with the pre-qualified leads that you are seeking. We believe in providing excellent customer service, you can rest assured that we will connect you with homeowners who are in need of the types of services we offer in our network. Save Time and Money. Our company has a strong marketing and advertising background. We know how to generate the leads. That means that you can concentrate on other aspects of your business. Unlike other services we do not sell leads. All our leads are bid on and are awarded to five bidders. This means we only award each lead to 5 companies unlike other companies that sell their leads to as many companies who have the "lead fee" to purchase it, decreasing the opportunity and value of the lead for you the contractor. This process helps you remain competitive within your trade or service. OUR COMMITMENT My Professional Contractor is commited to connecting professional contractors with homeowners for their particular home improvement need. Since the leads are only awarded to only 5 companies that win the bid, it makes the value and worth of the lead much higher because of its exclusibility. This means that My Professional Contractor has a genuine interest in finding prescreened qualified leads. |